What your About page should be about

Why do people go to your About page?

To read your life story? To check out your career history? To see how many cups of coffee you’ve drunk?!


They go to your About page in search of answers to the questions they have around:

“Do you understand my problem?”
“Can you help me?”
“Do I trust you?”

The job of your About page is to position you as the person, business or brand that ‘gets’ your ideal client and can help them.

So yes, your story is important, but only if it is highly relevant and demonstrates to your customer that:

You know how they are feeling – you get their concerns, worries and frustrations

You understand their problem – you faced that same challenge in your own life (most of us are our own ideal client) and got through it

You’ve helped others through the same challenge – and you can lead them to a successful outcome.

It’s by demonstrating empathy and authority that you start to build trust in the mind of your audience.

Here’s an example of an About page I recently wrote for Career Confidence Coach Sherry Bevan.

Not sure how to write your About page so that it demonstrates empathy and authority?

As a certified StoryBrand Guide, I can help you with one of the hardest things in marketing to get right – how to talk about what you do in a way that ensures your customer listens. To find out how, BOOK A CALL or drop me an email to susan@thebusinessofstories.com