My Clients

The content on our website was terrible. I didn’t know how to fix it and it was frustrating. Working with Susan was the answer! The process was really simple and straightforward and now we have great website content, that represents us and how we help our clients. Frustrations resolved!

Catherine Gough

Our website was bad and did not make the best impression on our existing clients, who refer us, or prospective new business. We knew we had to change it.

The process of working with Susan & her team was simple and easy. We now have a great website that we are very happy to show to clients, and that gives potential new clients and candidates the right first impression about us and the value we deliver

Bal Sura

Our home page wording was clunky and confusing. I knew I didn’t have the skills to ‘StoryBrand’ it myself, and that I needed to call in an expert. Working with Susan was an absolute dream. Her process was so clear and I felt confident I was in good hands.

We now have a very simple, well-defined message and customer journey, which will make an enormous difference to our business. The added value Susan gave throughout the project made her Done for You service incredibly great value. I would highly recommend Susan as your StoryBrand Guide.

Faye Clowes

I wanted to ensure our offering and message was clear, both to our customers and internally in our team. I read Storybrand and tried to implement it, but still didn’t feel it was clear enough.

I really appreciated how well Susan grasped our complex market offering and reframed it from our prospect’s perspective. We now have a website and message the entire team is proud of. New prospective clients have already commented on how clear the value we provide now is.

Hutton Henry

“I couldn’t articulate my new niche & brand the way I wanted to. It was affecting my confidence, and belief that it was even a thing.

Working with Susan was a no-brainer. She got straight to the heart of what I wanted to convey – that’s her superpower! She then brought that message to life on my homepage and gave me a narrative to confidently explain what I do and how I do it. The clarity I now have has taken away any fear. I’ve already had clients reach out and new opportunities open up – and my website isn’t even live yet!”

Marion Ellis

We have a great service but found it difficult to distil our key messages. Susan was enthusiastic and her process was logical and enjoyable. As a result, our messaging is now clear, the homepage reads well and it’s obvious to prospects what we do and how they benefit. I would 10/10 recommend Susan’s Done For You service

Steve van de Worp

I wanted my website to show what an amazing business I have! I wanted it to stand out from the competition. Working with Susan was easy. She listened to what makes us different and did the hard work of writing a brilliant narrative. We now have a website and “go to” sentence about what we do that makes our business stand out.

Heather Williams

Darren Higgins

I was feeling very stressed and fearful about writing content for our new website. Finding an expert to support me was a huge relief. I now have a website I’m very proud of and that is helping us to grow our business. I only wish I’d found Susan years ago!

Darren Higgins

Paul Radin

I wanted to connect with our customers more and Susan, as a Story Brand guide, knew exactly what we wanted to achieve and how we wanted to achieve it. We now have a website that conveys the Storybrand philosophy, a high-value giveaway guide and a series of emails that builds trust with new customers.

Paul Radin

Ian Hodgkiss

We lacked clarity in our messaging. I had tried to work on it myself but it wasn’t very successful, so I turned to an expert!

After working with Susan, we now have complete clarity, a new website and a tremendous set of marketing assets that will hopefully generate significant new business opportunities for us.

Ian Hodgkiss

I always over-thought my messaging. I needed an outside eye with a skill to encapsulate what I do eloquently. Susan was very fast to understand the message I wanted to convey which, having a multi-faceted business, was no mean feat! My homepage now has a very clear message that speaks to my ideal client and I can easily explain my company, style and ethos. I only wish I had contacted Susan sooner!

Clare Pascoe

I have a fantastic product, and a stellar track record, but it was not easy to get that across in a compelling manner, in a few seconds. I was too close to it to be objective.

Working with Susan was a delight. She is talented, intuitive and a perfectionist. She put herself in my clients’ shoes and quickly zoned in on the core message we needed to communicate. I love what she has done. We now have a simple but highly effective message that will likely become one of the keys to our success for years to come.

Robert Clay

We now have a coherent and consistent way of communicating our customers’ challenges and needs. And, our products and services are better aligned to support them in a far more engaging way..

Susan’s logical process, considered approach, initiative and attention to detail really resonated with us and exceeded our expectations.

Mark Stokes

Neil Grime

I wanted to improve my message to potential clients and the way I market my business. Working with Susan was extremely easy and I now have a clear and concise message that no longer talks about me, but speaks to my clients’ problems and how I can help them overcome them.

Neil Grime

Andy Cristin

I wanted to create a website and brochure, with a compelling brand story, but I didn’t have the time or experience to create the content myself.

Susan’s process was easy, logical and thorough. The content in my head was drawn out and put into 3 coherent stories – my personal story, my brand story and my customer’s story. As a result, the website I have been thinking about for years is now a reality.

Andy Cristin

David Wicks

Working with Susan gave me so much more than just a Brand Story to launch my new consultancy business with. Working with her gave me a much deeper understanding of my own motivations, my business proposition and my target market.

I now have a clear brand identity and a great story that resonates with my ideal client and allows me to cut through the noise in my industry.

David Wicks


I was launching a new business and wanted to stand out as having a fresh approach in the market. I can’t stress enough how pleased I am that I got in touch with Susan. She has created a brand story and narrative that have already delivered my key messages with a bigger impact than I could ever have dreamed of.

Paul Blackford

Ben-Davis-&-Simon-Batchelar at Pallant Digital

Before working with Susan, we lacked clarity about how to describe what we do. The process she took us through was powerful and very enlightening. It has made a huge difference to have an engaging brand narrative that clearly tells people what we do, why we do it and how it will help them.

Ben Davis & Simon Batchelar


After working with Susan I have absolute clarity on my messaging and everything I need to create my website and promote my business with confidence. If price is an issue, sell your spouse, children, dog, anything to have the Done For You service. It is worth its weight in gold!

Gemma Keeley

portrait of Rosaleen Gold

I needed a clear message, a powerful brand story and great copy for my website, all within a tight deadline. Susan delivers, supports & walks her talk. Working with her was a total pleasure and, now that I have my story, my customer’s story and a clear brand identity, I can move forwards with impact and confidence.

Rosaleen Gold


Susan’s stories are brilliant and having them to work with has made my job so much easier. I wish all my clients would come to me with these three stories researched and crafted, ready to go.

Pip Evan-Cook


Susan has taken me from struggling to articulate what our charity does, because it is complex & confidential, to being able to tell our story really simply, in a way that can connect with people on so many levels.

Lea Misan


I was struggling to get the essence of who I am and why I started my business across. Susan has a real talent for seeing the core value in your stories and helping you to communicate that clearly and concisely, in a way that engages people and inspires them to want to be on the journey with you.

Adele Woosley

Don’t lose customers to better storytellers

Get in touch today to find out more and discover the power of your unique stories