Heather Williams

I wanted my website to show what an amazing business I have! I wanted it to stand out from the competition. Working with Susan was easy. She listened to what makes us different and did the hard work of writing a brilliant narrative. We now have a website and “go to” sentence about what we … Read more

Darren Higgins

I was feeling very stressed and fearful about writing content for our new website. Finding an expert to support me was a huge relief. I now have a website I’m very proud of and that is helping us to grow our business. I only wish I’d found Susan years ago!

Paul Radin

I wanted to connect with our customers more and Susan, as a Story Brand guide, knew exactly what we wanted to achieve and how we wanted to achieve it. We now have a website that conveys the Storybrand philosophy, a high-value giveaway guide and a series of emails that builds trust with new customers.

Ian Hodgkiss

We lacked clarity in our messaging. I had tried to work on it myself but it wasn’t very successful, so I turned to an expert! After working with Susan, we now have complete clarity, a new website and a tremendous set of marketing assets that will hopefully generate significant new business opportunities for us.

Clare Pascoe

I always over-thought my messaging. I needed an outside eye with a skill to encapsulate what I do eloquently. Susan was very fast to understand the message I wanted to convey which, having a multi-faceted business, was no mean feat! My homepage now has a very clear message that speaks to my ideal client and … Read more

Robert Clay

I have a fantastic product, and a stellar track record, but it was not easy to get that across in a compelling manner, in a few seconds. I was too close to it to be objective. Working with Susan was a delight. She is talented, intuitive and a perfectionist. She put herself in my clients’ … Read more

Mark Stokes

We now have a coherent and consistent way of communicating our customers’ challenges and needs. And, our products and services are better aligned to support them in a far more engaging way.. Susan’s logical process, considered approach, initiative and attention to detail really resonated with us and exceeded our expectations.

Neil Grime

I wanted to improve my message to potential clients and the way I market my business. Working with Susan was extremely easy and I now have a clear and concise message that no longer talks about me, but speaks to my clients’ problems and how I can help them overcome them.

Seth Godin

StoryBrand will clarify, energize and transform your business.