Storytelling Mastery

Demonstrate your value, attract your ideal clients and get paid what you're worth

The 10-week transformational program for coaches, consultants, freelancers and entrepreneurs, who want to take their clarity, confidence and storytelling skills to the next level.

Get the CLARITY you've been looking for around who your ideal client is, and how to talk to them in a way that truly connects

TRANSFORM your message and tell stories that deeply resonate and speak to the people you love working with

Demonstrate your VALUE, so people understand what you can do for them and why they would choose to work with you

DIFFERENTIATE yourself from your competitors, so you stand out from the crowd in a way that no-one else can copy

Attract clients who are a GREAT FIT, so you can do more of the work you love, with the people you love working with!


The struggle is real!

I know what it's like to struggle to get across just how awesome your product or service is ...

How frustrating it is when you know you could solve the problem your ideal clients have – but they’re just
not signing up, dammit. When you have so much value to give, and all you want to do is help people with
your ‘thing’ that you do brilliantly, but …

Your emails go unanswered (or even unopened) ...

Your posts on social media don't lead to enquiries or sales ...

Your content, that you've put a lot of thought and time into creating, goes out into the ether without much, if anything, coming back ...

[And now you’ve got to go create some more]

It's heartbreaking!

Soul destroying.

Enough to have you crying into your triple espresso, mocha chocca with extra syrup and sprinkles …

Enough to make you feel like giving up!

It’s sooooooo frustrating …

Especially when you know that, talking to people face to face – human to human – you can explain what you do in a way that connects.

You can ask questions. You can build rapport. You can be ‘you’.

But, when you have to write marketing ‘stuff’, or create a video explaining what you do, or even craft an email to your list …

You freeze.

What do you say?

How do you say it?

How do you 'do marketing' in a way that sounds and feels like "you" (as opposed to Rob the Marketing Robot)?

How do you 'sell' in a way that feels easy and natural?

And how do you talk about your products and programs with personality, so that those who do buy them are a good fit for you?

Well, those are some great questions right there.

But I want you to know one thing...

Messages that land. Stories that connect.

I’ve spent the last 6 years helping businesses craft:

Clear, simple messages that powerfully land and connect with their ideal clients ...

Compelling stories that resonate with the people they love working with ...

High-value content that builds authority and positions them as the go-to expert in their space ...

Compelling copy that launches products, builds brands and creates raving fans

And ...

I've built my own business up from doing £99 strategy calls (they were exhausting btw!) to having:

A recognisable and aligned brand that people love

A best-selling book that reached no.1 in the UK & USA (and, several months on, still dips in and out of the Top 10 on a weekly basis)

A unique framework and process that many describe as "game-changing" and

A loyal following of awesome humans, who buy my courses and online programs ...

All because I learnt how to communicate what I do in a way that connects with people who are a great fit for me.

Want me to show you how?

A few words from some of the people
already in Storytelling Mastery

“I have a business now!"

Sally German

70-Second clip

“I doubled my business!”

Adrian Close

51-Second clip

“I've got so many clients!"

Val Evans

58-Second clip

“I know who I am now!”

Clara Gangadeen

76-Second clip

How would you like a simple, step by step
process to follow, so you can:

Get known for what you do, because of how clear and focused your messaging is?

Have a narrative that is consistent throughout everything you do, so people feel like they know you?

Be super clear about what you stand for, why your business exists, where it's going and who it's for?

Know exactly what stories to tell, what content to create and what copy is going to compel people to take action?

Three steps to crafting stories that connect with your dream clients

1. Craft a clear message and COMPELLING stories

2. Attract more of the clients you LOVE working with

3. Sell your expertise and make the IMPACT you want to make

A word from some of the people who've already said Yes!

“My content is resonating. I feel real. This program is one of the best I've ever done. It's the missing piece for business owners.”

Cara Cunniff

ThriveWell Global

“This program helped me build authority and an inner confidence I didn't have before. I'm connecting with people so much better now. "

Bernie J Mitchell

London Co-working Assembly

“I now have the confidence to tell personal stories that people resonate with. I've given people a reason to choose me. And they are!”

Katherine Philips

Katherine P Coaching

Storytelling Mastery

A 10-week group coaching program for coaches, consultants, freelancers
and entrepreneurs who want to learn how to:

your value

I see so many coaches, consultants and freelancers – who have a TON of value to offer, and who are brilliant at what they do – struggle to create a business that gives them the income, freedom and life they want.


Because they don’t truly understand the value of what they do …

Or how to communicate it in a way that attracts their ideal client.

In this program, you’ll learn how to talk about what you do in a way that demonstrates your value and helps you stand out from the crowd!

So many business owners are not charging enough (which doesn’t do anyone any favours) or they’re stuck charging for their time (also doesn’t serve anyone!).

If you want a business you love, it’s critical that you:

Do work that lights you up and brings you joy …

With clients that are a great fit for you …

For a fee that gives you the business, income and profit you want.

In this program, you’ll truly understand the connection between value and pricing and how, when you get both right, your dream clients will show up!

Build the business
you want

Storytelling, done well, will attract the right people – but then they’ve got to actually take action and buy something for your business to grow.

So many fall at the last hurdle, and fail to convert their super warm audience into buyers.

That’s exhausting, frustrating and means you don’t get to make the impact you want to make.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way.

In this program, you’ll realise that selling doesn’t ever have to feel icky or uncomfortable. In fact, quite the opposite. You’ll learn to love it!

The single biggest bit of feedback I hear over and over again, from those who have been through my process, is about the CLARITY and CONFIDENCE they get!

“The clarity and confidence I now have to explain what I do and how I do it has been a complete game-changer.”

Marion Ellis

Love Surveying

“Literally clarified the point of my business, after 10 years! ”

Natasha Hodge

Wide Eyed Nutrition

“I have finally found the common thread in all my stories and I know how to share them.”

Ally Berry

Ally Berry Photography

And that's not all.

Here's some of the other topics we cover in Storytelling Mastery


What's mindset got to do with storytelling? Everything. Because, if you're telling yourself a story that's negative, you're unlikely to feel good about sharing it with others. Before we do anything else, we work on changing any stories that are not serving you, so you can get yourself in the right mindset with better ones!


Unless you love competing on price (which of course you don't!) you're going to need to separate yourself from the rest of the market by differentiating yourself from your competitors. We look at what people who are charging way above the norm in their industry are doing, and how you can do it too.


So many business owners all but freeze when it comes to 'selling' and squirm at the mere thought of sending promotional emails or even adding a direct call-to-action to their posts! I'll share how changing my thinking around selling completely changed my business, and how you can feel good about it too!

Don't waste another minute

creating content that isn't working for you!

Here’s what having me as your Storytelling Guide for 10 weeks looks like:

Group coaching. We meet on zoom every week as a group to check in, share challenges and wins, brainstorm ideas, learn from each other and grow together as storytellers.

1:1 call. You'll also have one 60-minute 1:1 call with me to talk through ideas, move past any challenges or anything else you want my help with. Additional 1:1 calls are available to purchase.

Personalised feedback. During the course of the program, you can send your posts, copy and content to me for feedback. I'll help you make them as compelling as possible for your audience.

Weekly assignment. There'll be a short video for you to watch and homework for you to do every week. Most people spend about 60-90 minutes a week getting this done.

Co-working sessions. We have a drop-in co-working session every Wednesday morning, where you can work quietly with those in your group to get your assignments done.

Private Facebook group. You’ll also have access to a private group to ask questions, get help, ask for feedback, get prompts and ideas, and connect with your fellow storytellers.

Just a few years ago, I was struggling to get clients

Hey, I’m Susan and, if you’ve read my book you’ll know that, just a few years ago, I was struggling to get a new business off the ground. I was doing a lot of things wrong. I didn’t truly understand the value of what I was offering; I didn’t know what was different about me, or why people should choose me over others offering the same thing.

And if I didn’t know …

So, I went back to basics to get some key foundational pieces in place. I got clear on the work that lights me up and the people I love working with. I looked at where my story aligned with my ideal clients. I worked on my messaging. And, I started telling stories. Lots and lots of stories.

And then ... everything changed!

Now I demystify the 'art of storytelling' for business owners, and help them craft clear messages and compelling stories that launch products, build brands and create faving fans.

OK OK, you had me at "Storytelling"!

This sounds exactly what I need. Let’s cut to the chase … What kind of financial investment are we talking here?

The full price of having me help you nail your messaging and storytelling for a full 10 weeks ...

…to guide you through my process, step by step, keeping you accountable, giving you personal, detailed feedback and helping you implement my framework into your business is …


*3, 6 and 9 month payment plans available

If you’re totally ready to get the clarity, confidence and storytelling skills you need to make the difference  you started your business to make, then I’m ready to show you how!

Think of this as your marketing budget (I’ve spent a lot more money than this btw, learning the hard way what doesn’t work!). For most of my clients, ONE sale of their high-ticket program would more than cover the cost of this program.

(and, if it doesn’t, we need to talk about pricing and you need this program!!! LOL)

Getting the messaging and storytelling piece right in my business changed everything. I want that for you too!

I can't wait to start showing you how.

Some words from those already inside Storytelling Mastery

Got questions I haven’t answered?

No problem.

Simply drop me an email to and I’ll come straight back to you. Or, even better, schedule in a 15-minute call here for a quick chat.

Speak soon!

Don't lose customers to better storytellers