Great words of advice from a Boxer

I was on a Q&A panel this week, for a Women in Business event in Brighton.

We had some interesting questions put to us and one in particular got me talking passionately about story. And it was one I had heard many times before – “how do I compete with a national brand?”

The question came from a lady who had recently re-trained as an ante natal teacher and her worry was that she was competing against the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) – who have over 114,000 members!

My answer was very simple:

Don’t try and be like the NCT, be you. Tell your story and show how you are DIFFERENT. People who connect and resonate with your story will come to you.

I also quoted a friend of mine who, when he was a Boxer, used to be told by his coach – “Stop focusing on your opponent’s game and what he’s doing, focus on your own game and what you’re doing”.

You can’t compete with the UK’s largest charity for parents – so don’t try.

Focus on your own game by telling your unique, personal story and talking about why you do what you do.

Your story is about showing people who you are and why you are different.