Create a Compelling About Page

(in an afternoon!)
that leads to more enquiries and sales … from your DREAM clients

A boring About page could be costing you a ton of business and opportunities that you'll never know about ... or get back!

Picture this…

You grab someone’s attention with your content on social media. Or you get
recommended to someone looking for help with that thing you do.

Or you deliver a great guest expert session in someone’s group …

Then what?

More than likely, any prospects thinking about working with you
will …

Go to your website, and ...

Read your About page

In fact, 52% of people say it’s the FIRST thing they look for when they visit a site.

You get one shot. And you need to make it count.

“Susan has a gift for simplifying and clarifying the process that makes it so much less daunting! I now know to show my clients that I can help them solve the challenge they’re facing”

Kim Lee-Own

Heartfelt Thinking

Getting your About page right is critical if you want to:

Give your ideal client a sense of who you are and what you're about

Show how you're different, and the perfect fit for the people you love working with

Attract more of your dream clients into your business by showing how you 'get' the

Give prospects a compelling reason to choose you, over everyone else

Instantly create a connection so your ideal clients take the next step

Have prospects showing up, already knowing they want to work with you

People buy from people they feel a connection with

Your ideal clients are out there right now, deciding who to trust to help them have, be, do or achieve that thing they want

In a world full of choices, we need a process for deciding what’s right for us. 

That process is to look for an emotional charge. 

A connection. In my book, The Business of Stories, I talk about how we make decisions based on how we feel about something … or someone

Your About page is where that connection is made … or lost!
“Susan is just awesome at communicating how you need to present your about page so that you can effectively connect with your ideal customer; it’s enabled me to help my clients even more!”

Jill Pryor

Blossom Lane Creatives

Want to make sure your About page is working for you, and attracting more of the people you love working with into your business ...

But don’t want to spend weeks, months or even years trying to get it right? How about an afternoon?
Block out an afternoon (or morning!) in your schedule and follow this super practical, step-by-step training – creating your compelling About page as you go, with:

6 bite-size videos to walk you through the process

Clear, easy to follow guidelines to keep you on track

Lots of real-life examples to spark ideas and inspiration

A simple workbook to make planning your About page easy

A suggested template to help you decide your layout

And, lots of ways to make your About page your own

How much is a training that shows you how to create a Compelling About Page that will work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year bringing you enquiries and sales from your dream clients worth?

I don’t know what it’s worth to you – but I’m guessing it’s more than £150?

But, that’s all this training is going to cost you.

The only other investment you’ll need to make is to block out a morning or afternoon in your schedule, and you’re good to go!


“This training gave me clarity on what is appealing to potential customers and what to include. The examples were great. Just waiting for my web designer to bring my About page to life.”

Helen Llewellyn

Mediterrano Homes

Do this once and get it right – with my help
Stop missing out on dream clients, business and opportunities and, instead, create a KILLER About page that leads to more enquiries andsales from prospects who are a GREAT FIT

Get lifetime access to my About page training for just £150

Don't lose customers to better storytellers