People need you. They need what you offer.

But, to make the difference you want to make, you need to share stories that deeply connect with the people you love working with and compel them to take action.

Not sure how to do that? No worries. I’m going to show you how!

Is this what you've been thinking?

"I hate talking about myself"

Talking about yourself can feel awkward, and no-one ever wants to come across as 'salesy'! Yuk.

“My story's not that interesting”

Not knowing if people want to hear your story will leave you feeling uncomfortable about sharing it.

“Getting it right is hard”

Sharing stories in your business is powerful, but knowing how to get it ‘right’ can feel hard and, sometimes, overwhelming.

Or maybe you just know you could be using storytelling more effectively and strategically in your marketing, so that it creates the connection you want it to…

Create meaningful connections with the people you love working with

Build trust and authority, so you get known for what you do

Demonstrate your value and show how you are different

Give you more clarity and confidence around your messaging and offerings

Filter out the people who are not a good fit

Grab The Business of Stories - The Course before the price goes up!

Price goes up on Friday 29 July at 9pm

“The missing link”

“One of the best business programs I have ever done. It is the missing link for business owners.”

Cara Cunniff

ThriveWell Global

“Incredibly powerful”

“I loved the book, this course really brings it to life. It has already been incredibly powerful for my business.”

Ally Berry

Ally Berry Photography

“Everything you need”

“This course has everything you could possibly want and need in relation to your business and storytelling.”

Suzanne Dinter

Hypnosis coach for expats

Talking about you and your business doesn’t have to be hard

I’ll give you everything you need to share stories that create connection, build trust and get you known for what you do

Your Personal Story

Your life is full of stories that will inspire and create a connection with your ideal client. You’ll unpack your journey, pull out some of the key elements and learn how to tell a defining moment story.

Your Business Story

Businesses don’t pop up from nowhere. You’ll unpack stories about what has led you here, doing what you now do. You’ll get clear on what your business stands for and how to keep your stories simple.

Your Customer Story

Unpacking your customer story will help you find the overarching story that is true for all of them around what they want. You’ll learn how to make conversations with prospects easy and fruitful.

Your Why

You’ll explore the stories you’ve unpacked so far, to gain insights and make connections around why you do what you do, the difference you make and what your business gives you and those you serve.

Your People

Getting inside the head of the people you really want to work with comes from exploring where your personal story meets your customer story. From there you’ll create lead gens that are a great fit for them.

Your Value

For people to buy from you they need to understand the value, to them, of what you do, and what you can help them do. You’ll learn how to demonstrate your value every time you talk about what you do.

Your Sweet Spot

The holy grail, where your stories feel connected and aligned. You’ll find the golden thread that runs through your personal, business and customer stories, and create your own Circles of Storytelling Magic.

Crafting Your Stories

You’ll learn how to craft stories that are clear and compelling, grab attention, sound like you and compel your people to take action. You’ll practise linking your stories to what you do and a clear call to action.

Sharing Your Stories

Finally you’ll share your stories (although there are tips on stories you can be sharing in every module). You’ll plan the stories you want to share and look at how to weave storytelling into everything you do.

10 Modules

10 Modules, each with a short video (most are under 10 minutes) that bring the topics to life.


Downloadable worksheets, cheat sheets and other resources I use when working with clients.

Story Ideas

Ideas for stories you can be sharing in every module, with examples of posts for inspiration.

Tips & Strategy

Tips on how to capture and record your stories, decide your strategy and plan your content.


Diagrams, pdfs and materials that make the course super practical, interactive and easy to follow.


Check in points to acknowledge your progress, celebrate your wins and keep you firmly on track for success.

Designed to be done at your own pace, but one module a week for 10 weeks works well!

Other trainings inside this course include:

How to call people to action, without ever feeling salesy

How to connect all your stories together, so they feel aligned

How to turn one story, into many stories

How to link any story, to what you do

How to have sales conversations, that feel easy, and fun!

“It's revolutionary!”

“One of the most practical courses I’ve ever done. It has helped me define my business and my message.”

Helen Llewellyn


“Stories that resonate”

“Easy to follow videos and examples that have helped me craft stories that resonate with my customers.”

Kim Lee-Own

Heartfelt Thinking

“Finally feels aligned”

“I’ve done this work before, but it felt disjointed. This course finally made it all feel connected and aligned”

Suzi Payton (no relation!)

Coach, comedian, trainer

Grab this offer today and get 3 months FREE access to The Writing Room

Ask your questions

Stay accountable

Get support

Join co-working sessions

Attend live trainings (or get the replays)

Build connections

Create meaningful connections with the people you love working with

Then, here's what to do:

If you've read The Business of Stories you'll likely have thought about what stories you could be sharing. But the magic only happens when you take action and do the work. This course will help you take the steps to become a confident storyteller in your business.

Work through the modules with bite-size training videos (most are under 10 mins), templates, examples, worksheets, a suggested timeline and prompts about which stories to share and when. You'll be taking action and sharing stories from the very first module.

Once you implement the framework into your sales and marketing, from social media posts to sales conversations, your stories will be working for you 24/7. You’ll be delighted and amazed when ideal clients show up, already knowing they want to work with you!

Black Friday Offer

Use code BF95 to get £240 off

Simply use the code BF95 before 30th November for 3 payments of £95, instead of 3 payments of £175 (you must choose the 3 payment option to get the full £240 off)

Sounds great, but what's the price?

Lifetime access to The Business of Stories - The Course

3 month's access to The Writing Room (our weekly 90-minute coworking session)


Buy before Friday 22nd March and get 50% OFF!

So many people have fed back that having access to The Writing Room was the difference that made the difference.

Having a regular time in your schedule to show up and get the work done, with others, is what will keep you on track and accountable – while you work through the course.

You might be wondering ...

Once you buy you will immediately get a welcome email with your login details to access the portal. You can dive in as soon as
you are ready. There is an orientation section to get you organised and set up for success and a welcome section with some
suggestions about how to get started.

Modules 2-4 will probably take you the longest, and I recommend spending 90 minutes on each of those. The other modules may not take you as long. We have a weekly 90-minute co-working space, called The Writing Room. Many members find this incredibly helpful and use that time every week to get this work done.

You have lifetime access to the course (and any future updates that I make to it) and 3 month’s access to The Writing Room. 

This is the do-it-yourself version of my course, and designed to be self-study – so there is no coaching included. If you would prefer to have Susan coach, support, help and guide you through the course, answering your questions, giving you feedback and keeping you accountable, check out Storytelling Mastery – which comes with a full 12 month’s support! 

Ready? Yay! Let's go …

Don’t lose customers to better storytellers