How to craft a Core Story that attracts MORE dream clients and MORE sales ...

And …

How to find the Golden Thread that runs through all your stories ...

so they feel connected, aligned and highly relatable to your IDEAL clients.

These workshops are in addition to (and will go deeper into) what I’ll be sharing in the 5 day challenge. They will be limited to just 20 people, on a first come first served basis.

There will be a replay sent out afterwards for you to refer back to any time you want to (or watch on catchup if you’re not able to join them live).

How to craft a Core Story that attracts MORE dream clients and MORE sales ...

And …

How to find the Golden Thread that runs through all your stories ...

so they feel connected, aligned and highly relatable to your IDEAL clients.

These workshops are in addition to (and will go deeper into) what I’ll be sharing in the 5 day challenge. They will be limited to just 20 people, on a first come first served basis.

There will be a replay sent out afterwards for you to refer back to any time you want to (or watch on catchup if you’re not able to join them live).

5 day challenge participants only …
Get TWO workshops with me worth £500

for one payment of just £97

Access to these workshops will be limited to 20 people. To grab a space simply click on ACCESS BACKSTAGE PASS below.

Workshop One

How to craft a Core Story that attracts MORE dream clients and MORE sales …

Wednesday 19th June 1pm BST (this training will be recorded if you can’t join live)

If you were a guest on a podcast, and the host said, “So, tell us your story. What’s led you here, doing what you now do?” …

Would you be able to share that story, in a way that is concise, compelling and deeply relatable to your DREAM clients?

If you had to share it on stage, could you share it in a few minutes?

If you were writing an article, could you weave your story into the article?

And could you share it in a way that has your ideal clients showing up, already knowing they want to work with YOU?

If not, this workshop is for you

I’ll be taking you through a simple story structure and showing you how to use it so you can share your story in 30 seconds or 30 minutes.

This training will be focused specifically on crafting your Core Story
and will build on all the things I’ll be covering in the challenge.

If you know the importance of having a Core Story crafted and ready to share, let me show you how to craft it so that it is highly relatable to your DREAM clients.

Workshop Two

How to find the Golden Thread that runs through all your stories … so they
feel connected, aligned and highly relatable to your DREAM clients

Friday 21st June 1pm BST (this training will be recorded if you can’t join live)

A good story has a golden thread running through it. It is there from beginning to end and keeps your story on track, easy to follow and highly relatable to your ideal client.

There should also be a golden thread that connects ALL your stories – yours and your ideal clients.

This workshop will show you how to find those golden threads, so that your clients resonate with your stories, feel more connected to you and truly feel that you would ‘get’ them. 

If your stories ever feel random or disjointed, or you struggle to know how to make them feel aligned, connected and purposeful …

This workshop is for you

You’ll go away with a workbook and process that you can continue to work on and evolve, as you get more and more clarity about how your personal, business and customer stories are connected.

This training will continue to build on everything I’ll be covering in the challenge. 

What's my story?

In 2015 I told my story to 1,500 business owners and the response from people who resonated with it, and felt connected to me as a result of hearing it, blew me away!

In fact, it changed my business – and my life!

In the 9 years since, I’ve worked with business owners all over the world, written an international bestselling book – The Business of Stories – and have spoken at numerous events on how to use storytelling to stand out in your industry.

Thousands of people have used my simple framework to harness the power of storytelling in their marketing, attract more ideal clients and grow their business.

In a world where it's getting harder and harder to be heard above the noise, I show business owners how to clearly articulate their value and speak to the right people, at the right time, with a simple message and a great story.

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